This image was created with the Drawing with Carl app using the spray paint, water color, crayon, and scroll brushes in symmetry mode as well as monster eyes and mouth stickers. In the app, the mouth is animated and giggles.
This week I’m reviewing Drawing with Carl. Drawing with Carl is an art app for children developed by Tayasui (the makers of Sketches). The app allows the user to draw and paint with digital tools including pencil, marker, stamps, water color, paint/pattern roller, and spray can. A mirror mode allows the user to create symmetrical drawings. This features is great for faces and mandalas. There are also stickers with animations and sounds which bring your drawing to life. Users can even import and draw on their own photographs.
Intended Use: The app is intended for making art.
Target Audience: The app is listed as being appropriate for ages 4 and up and geared for children ages 6-8 to use independently. Younger children may enjoy using the app with a caregiver or therapist.
Usability: The interface is easy to navigate with a touch screen. The app allows users to draw and paint on a blank canvas or on top of an imported photo. Stickers also add an element of collage.
Cost: $1.99
Technical Requirements: Available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Pro’s: The app is easy to use, engaging, fun, supports creative expression, and available in multiple languages. The optional monster stickers add an element of sound and amplify the silliness which make it more entertaining for the user.
Con’s: Although the app could be enjoyable for kids and kids at heart, the look of the app skews on the juvenile side. Older children and adults may find the app infantilizing. The simple tools would not offer enough control and precision for more detailed drawings. The app is currently only available for iOS.
Is it worth it? This app is worth your time and money if you are working with younger children. It would not be worth it if you are working with older children or most adults.